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River Poison

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Where Rust Gets Painted.


Acting. Dancing. Writing.


Fifteen October 1996. A young mother gave birth to a child, a deadly ill child. Doctors told her that her baby wouldn't make it. But she did, I did. I am River Stars Oibibio Hummel and I am the living prove that all the impossible things can happen.

If you would see me, you would subscribe me as a normal teenage girl. If you would know me, you absolutely would not. I am, like most amazing people on this site, a writer. Something which I am really proud of. When I was not even a year old, my parents showed me this beautiful place called earth. I travel a lot and have seen several beauties of the world.Because I travel so much, I wanted to see an other world. I wanted to visit one of the most dangerous and powerful beauties that this world offers us, the seas. I am diver since only a year but I have made 24 dives until now. And when I went diving I thought to myself: "If the seas have so manny unseen beauties, maybe the sky has too." So I am busy flying airplanes now. And I need to say that I still am convinced that if I would crash the clouds would catch me. I respect everything and everyone along as they try to be good persons. And I truly believe that having dreams is one of the most important things in this live.

C. Willems, L. Tomlinson, W. Shakespeare, K. Lagerfeld, H. Zimmer, B. Knowles, J. Depp, A. Jolie and B. Giabiconi.

I would love to hear your story.

Fashion is a lifestyle and Vogue is the bible.

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1 Creaties van Iron

Gastenboek (3)

  • Treasurelove

    Sorry als je reclame haat, het spijt me!!!!!
    Zou je alsjeblieft dit verhaal willen lezen? ik zou het echt heel erg op prijs stellen!!!
    Het is een Harry Styles Fanfic!!

    Wanneer Jo op een feest is ontmoet ze Harry Styles. En ze kan haar gedachtes niet van hem afhouden. Het enige probleem is dat ze niet weet hoe ze weer contact met hem moet zoeken. Maar wanneer Harry Jo weer ontmoet lijkt hij heel anders te zijn dan Jo dacht. En Jo weet niet zeker of dit positief of negatief is.

    klik op de link

    1 decennium geleden
  • Sciamachy


    in the end,
    you've got to be
    your own hero,

    because everybody's
    trying to save

    1 decennium geleden
  • Wilhelmina

    Happy birthday!*O*

    1 decennium geleden

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